A green message in our jars
For eighty years, we have been making Foodstuffs with care, flair and love. We’ve a real respect for tradition, honoring the traditional techniques in growing and preserving cereal, following the rhythm of the seasons wherever we possibly can. We’ve spent decades developing intense and supportive relationships with our farmers and growers, investing together in quality and sustainability.
“Sustainability report”
The Sustainability Report expresses the performance and effects of an organization around the three main aspects of the triangle of sustainable development, including society, economy and environment, and is directly related to the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this regard, Pursam’s sustainability report titled “Creating a Sustainable Future” has been compiled based on the latest changes in 2020 of the GRI standard and within the framework of the 17 goals of sustainable development, at the level of comprehensive requirements.
the environment:
Pursam Company moves in the direction of sustainable development and with circular economy approach to preserve the environment and design and manufacture environmentally friendly products. The senior management of the organization presents its commitment to the environment in the form of an integrated management system policy as follows:
- Environmental Protection
- Preventing the occurrence and spread of environmental pollution
- Management of environmental aspects
- Waste management
Safety and health:
Public safety
Product safety
Health and mental health
Health and physical health
social responsibility:
Commitment to society and environment is a multifaceted concept in Poursam Group. As an industrial complex, we have always considered our social responsibilities in business development. Paying attention to the categories of health, safety and environment (HSE) has always been emphasized by our executive directors and has played an important role in Poursam company, factories and sales centers. This is rooted in the importance of maintaining the health of human resources in general and especially those involved in Pursam’s business, as well as the importance of protecting the environment.