Poursam Halvah Sugar with Pistachio 380g

Pistachio halva is a type of traditional sweet made from pistachios, sugar, sesame paste, and oil. The ingredients are mixed together and then cooked at a suitable temperature to achieve a soft and smooth texture. Finally, chopped pistachios are added to it to create a uniform mixture. Pistachio halva usually comes in block or dough shapes and is available in various packaging. It is commonly served as a dessert and in some countries, it is consumed as a snack with tea.

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In this article, we will be at your service with the topic of Porsam sugar halwa with pistachios and its review.Porsam Food Industry Company is one of the leading companies in the production of quality food. The human body generally and daily needs a series of nutrients to grow and improve health. Currently, there are many food products in the market that the public buys on a daily basis. The most important issue in this regard is choosing a product with high nutritional value. Nutritiousness of food is one of the important factors about it. Poursam sugar halva with pistachio is one of these nutritious products available to you. Breakfast is one of the most important daily meals, and the most nutritious foods should be used at this time.Getting the necessary energy from breakfast is one of the recommendations of doctors in this field. You can supply a large part of the substances your body needs by consuming sugary halva.

Ingredients of Poursam sugar halwa with pistachios

First of all, it is better to know what ingredients sugar halvah is made of. In general, the ingredients of sugar halva consist of two important parts.

  • Sesame

  • Arde

Now, in this section, we will examine these two important elements in sugar halva.


Sesame seeds are one of the richest sources among oil seeds. This edible substance is also used in various industries such as varnishing, cosmetics and hygiene. Sesame is a one-year plant with a height of about one meter, the end part of its stem is covered with hair. Its leaves are oval, narrow and pointed, its white or red flowers appear one by one next to the leaves at the end of the stem. The fruit of this plant is in the form of a capsule and contains small, flat and oval seeds, which are called sesame seeds. Currently, the production of sesame around the world is about two million tons per year, most of which is used for sesame oil.

This very useful food item is used in Poursam sugar halwa with pistachios. Also, the best and highest quality sesame seeds available in the market are used.


Arde is the skinless, soft and pounded sesame mixed with its own oil, cream or light yellow in color, which is used to make halwa. Arde does not contain any chemical or non-chemical additives, and in other words, it is 100% natural. Its only ingredient is sesame.

Benefits of Pursam sugar halwa with pistachios

Sugary halva is one of the most useful foods that Poursam has added pistachios to its properties. In this section, we discuss some properties of sugar halva.

  • Lowering blood cholesterol

  • Help regulate the body’s metabolism

  • Increasing fertility in men

  • Relief of swelling and internal inflammation of the body

  • Prevention of diseases related to the brain and migraine

  • It is effective in reducing joint pain, especially in people with cold temperament

  • People who suffer from constipation are advised to consume halva sugar

  • This useful food, having calcium, strengthens bones and teeth

  • Among other properties of sugary halva, we can mention the prevention of osteoporosis

  • It helps to treat uterine diseases and accelerates the onset of menstruation

  • One of the properties of sugary halva is to help open phlegm and boils, especially in people with a cold temperament

  • Consuming this food item has been evaluated as useful in preventing colds or speeding up its treatment due to having large amounts of antioxidants by strengthening the body’s immune system

  • And …

Poursam sugar halva with pistachio contains these benefits and properties that help your body grow and be healthy.

About Porsam and contact us

In this article, the topic of Porsam sugar halwa with pistachio and its ingredients was discussed. This company moves its work forward with the best personnel and the most up-to-date tools. Pursam’s business policy is based on providing the best products to its customers. You can visit the official website of Porsam for more information.

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